Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Back in Action

So I have been a very busy bee lately trying to set up the new website. I also ended up helping a friend with an idea of his called tradesayer.com. Essentially its a informational stock trading blog. He has some products on there that he sells for affiliate cash. This has actually something I have been thinking about doing however I am not really sure what I would make money with. So I figured I would ask you guys what you are interested in. As of now I am getting on average 550 hits a day. So I am assuming there are a good amount of you buying stuff. Whether it is world of Warcraft or ever quest memberships I could find a way to get a discount going. Just need to know what would best suite my peeps! So if you have any ideas feel free to email me at whoallfriends@gmail.com and we will start putting up whatever you guys vote for.


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